About school

WineJet Sommelier School, was founded in 2011 in Saint Petersburg, Russia by Kirill Burlutskiy.

The school prepares students on three different levels starting from the one day introductory lecture, following by one month course for amateur wine lovers and finalizing with the third highest level of education for professionals or those who intends to become one.

Over 3500 students graduated from the school since it opened its doors.

The education is built by the blocks (brief description of each of the three blocks can be found in the table below and more detailed one on the school site, www.spbwj.ru) that complement each other but are independent at the same time.

Taking all three consequently gives the biggest advantage in getting deep profound education on wines and wine culture and highly recommended however it is not obligatory.

Course Level Targeted at Duration of the course Examination / test
Intensive course introductory level 1 level Introductory course recommended
for the beginners in the industry
(waiter, barman, wine — seller) and amateurs.
2 lectures/ 1 day none
Wine course for amateurs 2 level Basic course on wine for wine lovers. 8 lectures/ 8 days On-line test that can be
taken during one month
after the end of the course
«Sommelier» course 3 level Profound course for amateurs and
those interested to become
professional in the wine industry.
30 lectures /
self-preparation /
2 months
Tests and examination during
the course and within 2 months
after the course completion.
Total: 10 tests and exams.

Each course includes three different basic directions:
• Understanding of wine culture (geography, grape variety, classification, marketing)
• Knowledge on wine expertise (learning wine evaluation systems such as OIV, and international standards present at ASI events)
• Knowledge on the five star restaurant services, fine dining level (hospitality, table setting, wine decanting, serving sparkling wine).


After full course completion examination takes place, please find below the link for the video of one of them (to enhance the atmosphere and get closer to the real life situation it was taken at the Grand Hotel Europe in St. Petersburg). 

As of 2016 students successfully graduated from the school obtain diploma, certificates approved by the educational department of the Russian Federation.

In 2020 our own methodological materials for students and teachers were prepared and published.

The school has international branches abroad: Tonner in Burgundy, France was opened in 2017; we are in the process of opening the branch in Rome, Italy with Gambero Rosso as our partner there, and in 2021 we plan on starting with Bordeaux based branch with Clos Monicord as a partner on its premises.

Among school friends and partners famous sommelier and European champion Raimond Thompson in Riga, Latvia, Grand Hotel Europe, Corinthia St. Petersburg Hotel, Gambero Rosso in Rome, Clos Monicords, Saint Emillion in Bordeaux, etc..

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Кирилл Бурлуцкий (Основатель)
CEO “Школа сомелье, вина и дегустации WineJet”. Судья винных конкурсов. Ведущий. Автор статей и книг о вине. Лектор о вине. Автор винного гида. Автор книги о вине “Вино Non-fiction. Книга сомелье”. Сомелье винный гид.

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